Identity Disruption
This work revolves around the concept of the “identity of an artifact” and the collateral damages to the ecosystem resulting from the use of plastic, metals, etc.
Due to the materials they are composed of, such as plastic, which has become ubiquitous and global in the geologic era of the Anthropocene, they pollute as they degrade.
If it is true that the identity of an object is given by its purpose, these objects, are objects designed to last very little or very briefly, unlike past artifacts conceived to last over time and often passed down from one generation to another, . They are low-cost objects with little creative value, both in their material composition and their purpose.
They are born to be “used and discarded.” They are ephemeral, perishable artifacts, but often attractive, aimed at satisfying our impulses, induced needs, and fleeting desires.
Another fundamental aspect of the identity of an object is, the material of which its structure is made.
These materials have become pervasive and global. If it is true that the identity of an object is given by its purpose, it can be deduced that once the object becomes unusable and transforms into waste, a loss follows.
The object thus acquires a new identity, primarily determined by the material is composed of, a multitude of micro-plastics that constitute a multitude of highly polluting and fragmented identities that persist well beyond the original identity of the object.