Since I came here almost a month ago, there haven’t been any big swell, today was quite big, very windy and stormy.
Having said that, what i have in mind, is to start a new series about the beach that I mostly like, which is Praia do Malhào. It’s going to be a difficult work, I want something intimate that explain cleary why this place is so important to me. I still trying to figure out how should I shoot this series. I’m thinking to do on bw film 4×5 inches. I took the big camera with me in the van and I also did already some tests, and…I developed them in the van. The developing in the van works fine, the quality of the images, not yet. It’s quite hard to move around with a 4×5 camera on windy and rainy days with only a few photos available, but I think this should be the way to portrait this place. I feel that digital is not good for this one.
As i knew that I’m going to put in the bin all the first tests, I decided to shoot at least for a few hours some images in digital that do not belong to this new series, here are a couple of Intersections, done today that i really like.
I think the first one, printed big could be great.