In the last 3 years I lived between Italy and Lisboa in Portugal; in Italy I took care of my commercials photography while when I was in Portugal I used the free time to follow my projects about the sea. After these years, I found that, instead of staying in the city and going everyday to the beach, I could find a way to stay 100% in contact with the ocean.
After a few months of searching in Italy, I found this “aged but still good” Hymermobile on Mercedes which is going to be my new house when I’m in Portugal. Hopefully, in the future I will be able to dedicate more time and energy to my personal projects and hopefully, I will be able to surf more waves.
I’m also thinking that the Hymer could became in a way or another, part of a new projects. I haven’t decide yet how, but I’m sure it will fit somehow.
By the time, I post a few snaps on the work in progress while I clean it and fix it. As it need a few mechanics works, I may take it to Portugal by mid July.