
Mare 486

Mare is an on going project that I started in 2005.
Power, Harmony, Elegance and a Huge Sense of space and Freedom which manage to fit together in total harmony in the same element, the Sea.
From November to April, with January and February being the best months, I seek out extremely stormy
situations with strong wind and dark skies. I need places where I can get close to the waves, and I very often end up getting soaked.
The best location I have found is unquestionably Nazarè in Portugal because it has some of the highest waves in the world.
In the last couple of years, I shifted my attention from a geometric approach to a more chaotic one.
Recently I have been interested more in showing action and power than empty spaces crossed by elegant lines as at the very beginning of this long serie.
The Romantic School of painting has had a tremendous influence on me, especially the artist JMW Turner.
Thanks above all to the vortex of emotions in Turner’s partially-unfinished late works, I drew new inspiration.